Former President Jimmy Carter Makes Brief Appearance For His 100th Birthday

Many who live in the United States and elsewhere have an interest in the president of the United States, as well as those who were formerly presidents. This includes Jimmy Carter, a special president in the minds of many.

Jimmy Carter was the 39th President of the United States and he was recently in his hometown of Plains, Georgia surrounded by family and friends. It was a special occasion because he was celebrating his 100th birthday.

A video was shared of Jimmy Carter being wheeled outdoors in a wheelchair by an aide. He was wrapped in a blanket and wearing a blue cap. You could tell that he was frail but he seemed to be enjoying himself in the great outdoors.

Not only was his family there with him, but he also had his Secret Service detail that was watching over him as well. While they were outside, honor was paid to the former president as four jets roared overhead.

President Carter really seemed to enjoy the moment and online, people were expressing their feelings over what they saw as well. Many were touched by the special celebration they saw and considered it to be a fitting tribute to a former president.

At the Jimmy Carter National Historical Park, a commemorative passport stamp was released. This allowed people who visited the park to receive a stamp as part of the occasion.

The family, including Jason Carter, his oldest grandchild shared the experience during an interview. He said that his grandfather continues on his unique journey and was experiencing the world to the extent that he could. Although his physical health has diminished, he remains aware and engaged.

The family and friends of the former president also appreciate the fact that he is at home and surrounded by loved ones. Throughout his life, he found solace in that place, and they felt that it was the best place for him.

Other events that surrounded his birthday included a special concert at the Atlantic Historic Fox Theater. He had a love of music and he always found comfort and joy in it.

It’s amazing to think that Jimmy Carter is 100 years old and his legacy continues to live on. We wish him many happy returns.