Emily Ratajkowski Is Tired Of Comedian Mocking Her Photos

They sometimes say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. They also say that comedy is subjective, and not everybody is going to laugh at the same joke.

There are times when a comedian can make thousands of people smile but that doesn’t necessarily mean that their humor is going to appease everyone. This is especially true when you are Emily Ratajkowksi, and the comedian is mimicking your Instagram photos.

Ratajkowski is a model and actress in her young 30s who became famous after appearing on the Nickelodeon series, iCarly. She has also appeared in a number of movies, including We Are Your Friends and Gone Girl.

Although she is famous for her acting, she is perhaps better known because of the racy photos that she regularly posts on Instagram. These photos have gained a lot of attention, including getting some attention from a comedian.

That comedian, Celeste Barber is from Australia and she regularly posts pictures where she tries to look like the individual she is mimicking. She has done this to a lot of big names, from Kim Kardashian to Gwyneth Paltrow and some of them see the humor in it.

That isn’t the case with Ratajkowski, however, who sometimes gets picked on by the comedian in a side-by-side comparison photo. This includes one from 2021, when Barbara posed in a bikini alongside a similar shot of Ratajkowski. She captioned it: ‘We are sick of you objectifying our bodies! Also, here’s my a**.’

Ratajkowski must have seen the photo because she isn’t very happy about it. In fact, Barber said: “I don’t think Emily is a fan. That’s okay, she’s allowed to not love it. But she blocked me.”

Perhaps personal looks are a sore spot for Ratajkowski , as she once said: “I’ve gone in for roles and producers tell me I’m too pretty to play a role. That’s so crazy and frustrating. You can’t get a part because they’ve seen too many pictures of you being a model. It’s an industry and people see what they’ve seen before. It takes a lot for someone to take a risk on you.”

In another interview, she said: “It had never occurred to me that the women who gained their power from beauty were indebted to the men whose desire granted them that power in the first place. Those men were the ones in control, not the women the world fawned over.”

When the model spoke about the situation with Barber on her podcast, she said: “This whole drama with Celeste has been blown out of proportion. In general, I find her to be really funny. But, [the] message I was trying to send to her was, ‘I just don’t want you to do this to me anymore.

“[I want] to be able to do my thing, whether that be writing about my terrifying experiences in an industry that doesn’t protect women and young girls and femme-presenting people while also having a bathing suit line.

“I was like, I’m not giving her my consent for this joke anymore. It just landed at a specific time for me.”

Ratajkowski then went on to say why she objected. She said: “We really love to pick on female influencers like they are considered the trash, lamest, most cringe, most embarrassing people on the planet.

“I fundamentally find that to be sexist. Yeah, no s*** women want to be influencers – it’s one of the ways that women have learned to be successful and make money. They’re hustling.”

Barber decided to respond. Saying: “I like running my mouth off. I do it a lot. I’m quick-witted – it’s one of my favorite things about me.

“I don’t like that I feel I can’t do that as much, and yeah I do feel like I censor myself sometimes. But then other times I don’t give a f*** and I operate from a place of already being canceled.

“I mean good luck to them. You can’t win. They hate what you do one day, then you’re the greatest thing in the world the next day.”